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Every day we flooded with various news and information.

We are now living in an era of information boom which fuelled by technology.

It makes easier for us to get hold of news and information. It also makes the flow of news and information fast.

In reality there are times we overwhelmed with news and information.

In fact it is difficult for us to filter and digest them properly. There are times even the information we received is inaccurate or true.

At times, we just grasp less than half (maybe only a quarter) the news and information we get.

Nowadays we get mostly our information or news through social media. It this media ‘nature’ to give little or give little and repeat the same information.

Sometimes give little, repeat the same information with different statements or writing (usually change titles only).

It as well its nature to get high number of readers or followers for uploaded information or news or articles.

Social media is not the only channel or the only best channel to spread information.

Spreading information in or through social media has a rapid impact. Rapidly recognised by readers, quickly accepted and spread and undoubtedly the information retention is also quickly exhausted.

Intrinsically, information on social media its lifespan is short and therefore it always repeated.
Repeating is not wrong but the act means that not much new and useful information shared.

What’s more, most of us these days depend only on social media for information.

If nothing uploaded into social media, such information or news considered unimportant or irrelevant.

Sharing information and circulate information is every individual trait inherent.

By sharing and spreading information (the information will not affect the individual itself), the individual feels himself useful and has benefited (new knowledge) the recipient or listener of his or her information.

The individuals will feel ‘powerful’ even more so if the shared information is the first one known or heard by others. More ‘great’ feeling will come when the shared information widely spread to others.

With today’s widespread social media and social media channels advancement, many of us most likely to be ‘crazy’ of ‘power’ and ‘greatness’ have the latest information and successfully spread it as fast as possible.

This led to influx of information.  It makes our efforts to get quality and useful information for us to make choices and decisions that are accurate and proper in life activity (including employment and business) become much more difficult.

Finding good information is not always fast and getting good information is now not cheap!

While the Internet is a great place to find information, it does not contain everything and it is not always the best place to find the right or best information.

It is better for us to learn about the Internet, the advantages and disadvantages of using it as well as learning about other types of information sources, the advantages and disadvantages of using it.

It is more reasonable for us to explore various information sources and then decide on the best source to use.

In era of information outburst, information is at the tip of our finger. It came in various formats and thanks to information and communications technology development, finding and spreading it is also easy and fast.

However, to ensure the information gain shared and spread is useful, it is important that we know when and why we need relevant information. Where to look for it and how to assess, use and deliver it in an ethical manner.